Urban Outfitters Stops Selling Pill Bottle Shot Glasses, Accessories

Urban Outfitters stops selling pill bottle shot glasses, accessories

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

Urban Outfitters removed the products following pressure from anti-drug groups, legislators and 24 attorneys general, including Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway. The company, which has a store in Louisville's Highlands neighborhood, said in a …
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Police say it appears more than 1 involved in ambush slaying of Bardstown

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — Investigators working to solve the ambush slaying of a Bardstown police officer believe more than one person was involved, a Kentucky State Police spokesman said Tuesday as authorities kept sifting through tips and interviewing …
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Prison reforms having an impact but more could be done

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

But Austin said Kentucky “can do better,” and he offered some ways to do it. Offer presumptive parole for low-risk prisoners who are very unlikely to re-offend; allow parolees required to get substance abuse treatment as a condition of parole to enroll …
Read more on The Independent