new york city

Science of Solutions

Science of solutions

Filed under: drug addiction help centers

In 2012, the Eugene-based Oregon Research Institute — the largest independent behavioral research center in the state — brought more than $ 20 million in grant money into Lane County and maintained a payroll of about 200 employees, including 47 …
Read more on The Register-Guard


Sexuaity addressed in fluid, unspoken terms

Filed under: drug addiction help centers

In a time when New York City was known for high crime rates, litter and high drug abuse rates, the main characters confront love, death and friendship. The film depicted the many ways HIV/AIDs can be transmitted. Some characters contracted it through …
Read more on UConn Daily Campus


Las Vegas Rapid Detox Clinic Celebrates 500 Rapid Opiate Detox Patient

Filed under: drug addiction help centers

The 8-hour detox treatment Stops physical addiction to opiate drugs in eight hours without significant physical withdrawal under anesthesia and is performed at an accredited and certified hospital or surgery center operating room by an M.D …
Read more on PR Web (press release)