alcoholism treatment

What Are Some Good Hotlines to Prank?

Question by sds: What are some good hotlines to prank?
Mad bored, just got downloaded skype and I can really only call hotlines for free. Now I know im going to hell but iv called addiction hotlines and told them i was hooked on phonics, mad funny. But i have a recording program.

But any ideas on what hotlines I can prank and what to say?

Best answer:

Answer by just me!
one of the sex hotlines. that would be funny tell me how it goes.

What do you think? Answer below!


Alcohol Abuse Now A Crisis In UK

Filed under: addiction help hotline

Located in South Florida, Harbor Village, an [alcoholism treatment center, has programs in place to help those suffering from a dependency to alcohol overcome their abuse. The 24/7 medically supervised detox facility allows each client to recover in a …


Drinking Before First Pregnancy Can Lead To Breast Cancer And Disease

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At Harbor Village, an alcoholism treatment center, a trained team of medical professionals help clients achieve recovery from both alcohol and drugs addiction. Located in South Florida, the facility allows each client to experience detoxification in a …