Over 1300 Women Call Hepatitis C Alert Helpline After Learning They Could Have

Over 1300 women call hepatitis C alert helpline after learning they could have

Filed under: drug addiction help hotline

So far, 1,300 have called the hotline to arrange tests. In England, a further 400 former patients are … It is passed on through sex or infected blood and is more common among drug addicts who catch it by sharing needles. It is feared that the doctor …
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How would your NFL team's logo look re-imagined?

Filed under: drug addiction help hotline

Fans would probably prefer to just use a headshot of him in a Subway commercial for their logo anyways. Vikings: The artist succeeded in making the Viking look pretty intimidating. He looks like someone that might get mixed up in a sex party on a boat.
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Ayvani Hope Perez Found: Police Chief Says Abducted Teen Found Alive

Filed under: drug addiction help hotline

Henry County sheriff's records indicate that a man named Juan Alberto Contreras-Ramirez was arrested on drug trafficking charges in December of 2012, but the charges were later dropped. A federal official confirmed … Authorities in Monroe, Louisiana …
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