Louisville Kentucky Drug Rehab Clinics


Louisville Kentucky Drug Rehab Clinics – transformationstreatment.com There are different signs and symptoms of alcoholism and addiction that will determine whether or not a person has a genuine problem. Because alcohol is so intricately woven into the culture of the United States, there are a lot of people who truly enjoy imbibing on social occasions and sharing a drink with others. However, because drinking alcohol is such a common occurrence, it can make it very hard to determine when the situation becomes serious. The consequences surrounding alcoholism can be complex and challenging, but the sooner a person seeks treatment for an addiction to alcohol the better the possibilities of a positive outcome are. For more information give us a call at 1-866-211-5538.


CFT: Manziel AP's first freshman player of the year

Filed under: drug rehabs in kentucky

“It's a combination of… how long this has been drug out. If it goes two, three more weeks and they say no, I'm … But he is able to take a break from his rehab efforts to spend some time with his family for the holidays. Tulane released a statement …
Read more on NBCSports.com


Coroner: Eva Rausing died as result of drug abuse

Filed under: drug rehabs in kentucky

The couple met at a drug rehabilitation center in 1989, married in 1992 and had four children. They battled drug addiction for years and donated millions to rehab charities. Their struggle became public in 2008, when Eva Rausing was caught trying to …
Read more on Lexington Herald Leader


Demi Moore's in Miami, John Mayer's Old Tricks … and Other Horror Stories

Filed under: drug rehabs in kentucky

How come nobody's calling nearly 50-year-old father Kravitz "out of control" for still going out and partying? Oh right, he's not a woman. Then again, Demi did just get out of rehab, so the age-shaming can be also be played off as genuine concern for …
Read more on Grantland (blog)