Latinos Struggle to Find Help for Mental Health Issues

Latinos struggle to find help for mental health issues

Filed under: drug addiction help groups

According to the National Resource Center for Hispanic Mental Health, Hispanics are a high-risk group for depression, substance abuse and anxiety. About 1 in every 7 Latinos has attempted suicide. Hispanic adults and youth are also dealing with unique …
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Hyannis vigil to put spotlight on drug addiction

Filed under: drug addiction help groups

This year, the focus will be on improving prevention education to steer young people away from substance abuse, said Lisa Murphy, of Mashpee, the vigil organizer and founder of the self-help group Parents Supporting Parents, which is sponsoring the …
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Kansas vs. Missouri in debate over prescription drug abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help groups

The report found Missouri received a three out of 10 rating for possible indicators of promising strategies to help curb prescription drug abuse while Kansas was given a rating of four out of 10. Although the numbers don't appear to be that much …
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Warm-up song guidelines

Filed under: drug addiction help groups

As basketball season is approaching I figured I should probably help some kids out with a set of guidelines for picking out a warm-up song. I've been traveling around and listening to some of the warm-ups for fall sports and … Modern groups could be …
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