Judge Oversees Courts for the Down, but Not Out
Judge oversees courts for the down, but not out
Filed under: drug rehabs in california
Tynan was a public defender known as "Father Mike" for trying to guide troubled souls into Alcoholics Anonymous and other programs when he signed on to start an innovative drug treatment program with a $ 600,000 federal grant. That was 18 years ago.
Read more on Fresno Bee
Addiction Treatment Center Pioneer Dr. A.R. Mohammad of Inspire Malibu …
Filed under: drug rehabs in california
Dr. Akikur Mohammad, Founder of Inspire Malibu, recognized by many as the top drug rehab and addiction treatment centers in Malibu, California and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern …
Read more on Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)