How Pot Advocates Are Manipulating the Truth
How pot advocates are manipulating the truth
Filed under: marijuana addiction help
Moreover, the scientific literature is clear that marijuana is addictive, its use significantly impairs bodily and mental functions and is associated with cancer, strokes, heart disease, birth defects, and a host of other serious medical conditions …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Should marijuana be legalized in Alabama?
Filed under: marijuana addiction help
Every night I go to bed and wonder if I will die in my sleep from this powerfull legally prescribed narcotic, while I could just as easily controll my pain without addiction and the chance of death by using medical marijuana. I have been fighting for a …
Read more on Scottsboro Daily Sentinel
Yes We Cannabis
Filed under: marijuana addiction help
With the help of a stenographic media, he whipped up a marijuana panic so full of lies and exaggerations you would have thought he was stoned out of his mind. The always hyperbolic Anslinger warned, “By the tons it is coming into this country — the …
Read more on CounterPunch
Highs and lows of using marijuana
Filed under: marijuana addiction help
This "magic" plant that could help with everything from glaucoma to Lou Gehrig's disease could also contain unknown dangers to our heart, lungs and brain. The real question is, if we legalize marijuana, will we all live happily ever after? The Drug …
Read more on CNN