Donna’s Story of Addiction Part 1 of 2


Donna’s Story of Addiction Part 1 of 2 – After four years in recovery, Donna discusses her life before she got things under control. She lived a pretty normal life until she got to college, where the freedoms afforded there led her straight to drug addiction. Please subscribe! To learn more about The Second Road and how this online community can aid you in your recovery from addiction, please visit our website:


Anti-drug program returning to Volusia schools

Filed under: drug addiction help online

During the past six years, 440,000 students across the nation — including some in Volusia schools — were exposed to the drug abuse prevention program through the firm's partnership with the National Guard. Funding for that joint venture expired in …
Read more on Daytona Beach News-Journal


Brazil debates treatment options in crack epidemic

Filed under: drug addiction help online

"I work to support my addiction, but I only use crack at night. That drug takes my mind away. I lose all notion of what I'm doing." Bobo says balancing crack with cocaine keeps him working and sane. On the shantytown's streets, life can be hell …
Read more on Times-Standard