Defendant Gave Up Drugs but Became Addicted to Alcohol

Defendant gave up drugs but became addicted to alcohol

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

Mr Alexander told the court: “Drugs are no longer the main issue – alcohol is the main issue and I can certainly smell alcohol this morning.” Shand's sister and her partner are now helping him – and his sister is regulating the amount of alcohol he has.
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6 Healthy Highs (That Don't Involve Drugs or Alcohol)

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

… of drugs like marijuana or heroin. Evidence suggests these chemicals are behind the runner's high, helping to reduce pain and provide a sense of well-being. Aerobic activity also produces brain chemicals that reduce … Do the deed regularly and …
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Schoolies statistics: Sex, drugs and binge-drinking

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help

Schoolies statistics: Sex, drugs and binge-drinking. Updated November … School-leavers on Queensland's Gold Coast are engaging in alarming rates of risk-taking behaviour under the influence of alcohol, figures obtained by the ABC show. Each year Drug …
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