Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue (1990)
Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue (1990) – The plot chronicles the exploits of Michael, a teenager who is using marijuana and stealing his father’s beer. His younger sister, Cory, is worried about him because he started acting differently. When her piggy bank goes missing, her cartoon tie-in toys come to life to help her find it. After discovering it in Michael’s room along with his stash of drugs, the various cartoon characters proceed to work together and take him on a fantasy journey to teach him the risks and consequences a life of drug-use can bring and save the world.
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@IAMQUEENLATIFAH you are admired. Need your help to motivate the young girls in Cape Town SA fight aganst drug abuse plse respond – by doalexand (Donny)
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Why Getting Help for Drug and Alcohol Abuse is Important – by XMoneyMaker (UltimateMoneyMaker)
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Drug Abuse Help When You Need it – by CancerKillerUsa ( cancer Killer usa)