It's About Reaching Tough-to-Reach Kids

It's about reaching tough-to-reach kids

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

These grim statistics for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities alarmed me, and fueled my desire to create a new film that could be a resource to help educators, parents and others to understand and better serve children with behavioral …
Read more on Foster’s Daily Democrat


Inquiry hears media misrepresents Indigenous Australians as drunks

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

There were still Indigenous people who deliberately shunned their Indigenous identity because it was portrayed so negatively, he said. "A portion of people don't want to identify because of the media portrayal of drug abuse and alcohol addiction,'' he …
Read more on Courier Mail


Chamber endorses drug testing in schools

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Raleigh County Sheriff Steve Tanner boldly predicted a swift end to the prescription drug abuse sub-culture in southern West Virginia, but imparted a grim warning: it will be replaced by heroin, since it most closely resembles the effect of opioids. In …
Read more on Beckley Register-Herald