Symptoms of Internet Addiction


Symptoms Of Internet Addiction – Everyone has an addiction. But internet addiction has taken the most lives. Social lives that is. You should catch it before it consumes you. Here are some symptoms that can help you identify whether or not you have an internet addiction problem or not. SUBSCRIBE AND RATE 5 STARS 🙂 I do not own any of the music played during this video and stuff like that.


The 25 Best and Worst Sex Moments of 2012

Filed under: internet addiction help

The vibrators come in pairs for straight, gay or lesbian mutual masturbation action — synchronized over an Internet connection so that the device mirrors your partner's actual movement. Also, TrueCompanion apparently released … In treatment the …
Read more on Huffington Post


IT'S TIME FOR DIGITAL detox [Mail Today (India)]

Filed under: internet addiction help

The thoughts of going offline could sound far- fetched, with attention spans dropping and internet addiction on the rise, but a tech- free holiday is a must to inspire, re- energise and improve your mood. Interacting with nature has real benefits and …


From Twitter:

RT @TeenyLady: Twitter is the internet equivilant to a crack addiction. I need help. – by lovesflanery (Julie Hill)


From Twitter:

RT @TeenyLady: Twitter is the internet equivilant to a crack addiction. I need help. – by nokturnal__ (Pseudonym: Aliyah)


From Twitter:

RT @TeenyLady: Twitter is the internet equivilant to a crack addiction. I need help. – by tommyfnwartooth (Tommy Wartooth)